The formation of FFI was inspired by the fragrant abuse of the rights of vulnerable populations especially women, children and people living with disabilities due to socio-cultural beliefs and stereotypes. Girls for example, do not have equal access to education due to the belief that females are intellectually weak. Boys are therefore given priority in terms of access to formal education. Besides, girls are often overburden with household chores and seldom have time to engage in other social activities. In addition, wife battery and gender-based violence (GBV) are a major characteristic of male chauvinist households in many parts of the country. Sadly, GBV and child rights abuses are either under-reported or not reported at all due to weak institutional response to abuse cases, lack of knowledge on reporting mechanisms as well as reluctance of victims and their families to talk about sexual abuses publicly.
The plight of females are worsen by their poor representation in governance institutions and decision-making processes. Though women constitute majority of the country’s population of about 50.7% (Ghana Population and Housing Census-2021), they are poorly represented in many governance institutions and household decision-making processes. As a result, their concerns are not vigorously pursued and factored into policy decisions and the allocation of critical social services such as health, education and credit. It is to address these inequities and injustices that FFI was established.